

Dasuquin Small/Medium Dog, 150 Chewable Tablets

Dasuquin Small/Medium Dog, 150 Chewable Tablets (1016129)

4.68 stars, based on 19 reviews
Protect your pet's joints today with Dasuquin Chewable Tablets Dasuquin Small/Medium Dog, 150 Chewable Tablets helps maintain your dog's joint health and mobility thanks to its formula of glucosamine, chondroitin, and ASU (avocado/soybean...
Reviews 1-19 of 19
State College PA

Best Joint Supplement Out There!

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Cheapest price you will find around (I did a lot of searching)! Recommended to me by my orthopedic vet - he said this is the only joint supplement that has been studied with clinical trials to show improvement in joint health!

This has been working for my dog (hound) who recently broke a leg. Noticed a difference after 2 weeks - seems to help with the other legs that are under more stress/weight.

Tablets are huge though (quarter sized). My dog didn't like the flavor, but he's super picky. But if I throw it in his kibble, he doesn't seem to notice.

Shipping was instant. From the day I ordered to when it came - it was only 3-4 days.

San Diego


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My dog has had 4 knee surgeries and has arthritis already in her knees too. I have been giving her Dasuquin for a few years now based on the advice of my vet. He told me that it's a great supplement, and I figure anything that will help her as she ages (she's 6 yrs old now)to be as functional as possible when she's an old lady is well worth it. The good thing about this supplement is that she doesn't seem to mind the taste. I just put the whole chewable pill in with her kibble.

Milwaukee, WI


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We have a 13 yr old Yorkie. We were given this originally by our vet as he has slowed down in his activity. We have continued using this and he is getting around as he did when he was young. He loves getting his pill everyday and actually waits by the cabinet until we give it to him.

west texas

Dasuquin is a great product

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I have used this product for about 3 years now. My dog a rescue of maybe 6 or 7 years, got to the point where it was painful to even put weight on his front paws. The vet recommended this product and within a week he started to improve. Now he is fine, granted he doesn't run as much, but he is not in pain.

Dasuquin Small/Medium Dog

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  • Quality
My two Dachshunds absolutely love this product. They act as though I'm giving them both raw meat. I've noticed theat they are both peppier and in good shape with their backs also.

Hatboro, PA

Dasuquin Small/Medium Dog, 150 Chewable Tablets

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I have a 9 year old Border Collie that was starting to show signs of arthritis. The vet suggested Dasuquin as a supplement. After several months, it is like having a new dog. She now plays more and seems generally happier.


Dasuquin Small/Medium Dog, 150 Chewable Tablets

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  • cheaper
Great price, quick service

Las Vegas, NV

Dasuquin Small/Medium Dog, 150 Chewable Tablets

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Same exact product as our vet gives us at a lot cheaper price. Was worried that this might be a cleverly disquised generic, but it is not. Genuine product. Very quick shipping. Our dog (bad back hip problems)functions a lot better on a daily dose of Dasuquin and he savors his pill in the mornings.

Dasuquin Small/Medium Dog, 150 Chewable Tablets

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This was prescribed by our vet for our miniature daschund after her back surgery 6 years ago. She's now 10 and going strong. The VetDepot price is the best I've been able to find.


Dasuquin Small/Medium Dog, 150 Chewable Tablets (1016129)

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Prescribed by vet for our chihuahua. We originally purchased from the vet's office. This is the best price out there! You better believe me I researched this fact endlessly before buying through VetDepot. Our dog will be on this medication for the rest of her life. It does make a difference. Hope this helps others!


Easy to Use

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Our 12 year old English Pointer was showing signs of a little "stiffness" in his joints. We checked with our vet and decided on Dasuquin. He's used one bottle so far and is starting a second. Hopefully we'll hold off any more progression for awhile. He gobbles them right down, so they must be tasty also! Thank you for making these products available. Ordering is so easy with you all, and speedy delivery.

Townsend, DE

Excellent Product!

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This has worked wonders on the hips and joints of my 7 year old border collie. After playing too hard or running too hard he'd have trouble getting up and limped for hours. After about a month if giving this to him he's a new dog! No more aches and pains after a good ball chasing session! I definitely recommend this product.

Great Product

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  • Makes%20a%20difference%20in%20playfulness
  • large%20quantity
  • Price
This was prescribed by our vet for our 14 yr. old miniature daschund. It has definitely put some spring back into his step. He's a bit more playful and just generally seems to be happier. It's a bit pricey, but Vet Depot has the best prices that I've found.


Great Product

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Our Shiba has been on Dasuquin for quite a few years, it enabled us to get him off the pain meds and he no longer walks with a limp. Vet Depot is the only place I'll buy from....very fast service!!

I love this product!!!

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My vet recommended this for our lab who unfortunately has suffered from arthritis since she was just a year old. She has been a different dog since taking Dasuquin. We have been able to cut her pain meds in half and hope to cut down the doses even further. She can now run and play again with our other dog. I love how quickly I get all of my orders from Vet Depot too.

Love this product!!!

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I have used this product for my dogs and cats. Both have shown a tremendous improvement with its use. It is far better than the over the counter products. I recommend this product to EVERYONE! Currently I am using this product with my cat who has chronic cystitis as recommended by my vet. She is doing GREAT!


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This is a great product. I have a dog with severe dysplasia and he does not even limp. He also gets rymadyl but since I added a large dose of this Dasuquin he has been even better. AND this is the best price around.


Satisfied customer with VetDepot and Dasuquin

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  • Price
  • Positive%20results
  • None%20so%20far
My vet suggested Dasuquin for my 12 yr old mixed breed. He'd started having difficulty getting up and down and was having some general arthritic pain. He's been on Dasuquin for about 8 weeks now and he's decidedly moving more easily. I like that it contains natural ingredients also. VetDepot's price was half what my vet charges and they delivered very quickly.

Palm Coast, FL

Wonderful Product

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  • No%20side%20affects
  • Expense
I've used Dasuquin on my 11 year old Sheltie for approx. 5 months and am very pleased with the results. My dog has a number of other illnesses including Cushings, heart, and gallbladder besides severe Arthritis and cannot tolerate usual pain meds due to stomach upset. The ingredients in Dasuquin are natural and he's never had a problem with it. You don't notice a difference right away but after 2-3 weeks of 2 tablets per day, he wasn't limping as much and after 6 weeks was doing lots better. He's able to get up easier from laying down and even takes short walks now. 6 weeks ago, I also started my 9 year old Sheltie on Dasuquin as well due to limping. She also has done well and we're very pleased with their quality of life after Dasuquin.

Reviews 1-19 of 19

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