

Dermachlor HC Shampoo, 16 oz

Dermachlor HC Shampoo, 16 oz (1018058)

5.00 stars, based on 5 reviews
The chlorhexidine gluconate in Dermachlor HC Shampoo, 16 oz provides antiseptic, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties for dogs, cats, and horses with skin infections. Added hydrocortisone in Dermachlor HC soothes inflammation. Dermachlor HC 4%...
Reviews 1-5 of 5

Couldn't live without it!

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My vet discontinued this shampoo which was very helpful to my keeshond. They prescribed 2 other shampoos which dried out and damaged his skin. I found dermachlor online and it has been helpful in repairing his skin and eliminating much of his scratching. It's a great product!

United States

Dermachlor HC Shampoo

review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
Excellent product!! Purchased it due to skin condition my Black Lab has, and also used it on my German Shepherd. My Black lab is now not having the skin problems she was having and the German Shepherd is shedding less!!! Couldn't be more pleased.

Cincinnati, Ohio

Fantastic product

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I have a German Shepherd and she has a skin condition. I wouldn't know what to do if this product wasn't available!

Los Angeles


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This is by far the only shampoo product that worked on my dog. I have a Golden Retrieveer and he was plagued by skin irritation, dry skin, flakiness. He was driving us nuts with his scratching and licking. I was constantly taking him to the vet and they would prescribe pills and then they gave me this shampoo. I didn't want to keep using pills so by process of elimination I found that the shampoo alone did the trick. I've never (knocking on wood) had to take him back to the vet for pills. This is the BEST STUFF ever.

Kansas City

For all pets.

review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
  • Great product, highly recommend.
  • Not for every day use.
I use this on my dog, elderly dog, cat, and horse. I started using it to treat a recurring skin infection my dog was getting from scratching (he is allergic to pollen and has a rough time). Then, I tried it to soothe flea bites on my cat and it worked well them too. It works for infections, itching, small hot spots, everything.

Reviews 1-5 of 5

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