

Clenz-A-Dent Dental Chew Sticks for Small Dogs, 8 Chews

Clenz-A-Dent Dental Chew Sticks for Small Dogs, 8 Chews (1017646)

5.00 stars, based on 1 reviews
Clenz-A-Dent Dental Chew Sticks for Small Dogs, 8 Chews features RF2 and an abrasive texture to reduce harmful bacteria in your dog's mouth and protect against plaque and tartar. Clenz-A-Dent Chews are intended as part of, not as a replacement for,...
Reviews 1-1 of 1
Venice, Florida

Save Your Dog's Teeth and Save Money by Avoiding Extractions at the Vet!

review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
  • Great%20for%20all%20Dog%20sizes
  • Keeps%20breath%20fresh
  • Keeps%20them%20busy%20before%20a%20dog%20nap
  • They%20can%20be%20cut%20in%20half%20easily
  • Retail%20hard%20to%20find%20%20Order%20online
<p>My dog Mocha Latte is a female Chihuahua which I took over from my daughter after grad school and landing a great job. I went to the Vet; the shocking report was that her teeth were brown, and $300 later she was put under anesthesia, lower tooth extracted, and a deep clean was done. The vet recommended clenze-a-dent small dog chews and gave me a sample. Short story is that I buy 3 orders at a time, and my dog loves them! I cut one in half, and give one in afternoon and her teeth are white and checks have been great. I highly recommend to help get tarter build up off, and stay off. This combined with high quality crunchy dog chow keeps her in great shape. You won't be disappointed!</p>

Reviews 1-1 of 1

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