

Dasuquin Small/Medium Dog, MSM 84 Soft Chews

Dasuquin MSM Small/Medium Dog, 84 Soft Chews (1030010)

4.89 stars, based on 18 reviews
Delicious joint support soft chews for dogs Dasuquin MSM Small/Medium Dog, 84 Soft Chews is a potent joint supplement that's recommended for dogs with arthritis or other joint pain, hip dysplasia, or even healthy dogs that could benefit from...
Reviews 1-18 of 18

A much needed help...

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  • price
  • %20works
  • none
My 7 year old Lhasa broke a disc in her back 2 years ago. She had surgery and recovered completely. Three weeks ago she started walking strange and was in pain. The surgeon said it was happening again unless we gave her rest and limited her activities for 6 weeks. He recommended this product. I researched it and found VetDepot was the cheapest price and the clearest instructions. I have been giving her 1 daily for a couple of weeks. She is walking normally and out of pain. Her quick recovery was greatly helped by this product and I will give it to her for he rest of her life.

Bakersfield, CA

Chewable Dasuquin MSM - Great

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  • quality
  • taste
My vet recommended Dasuquin MSM for my 10 yr old jug. He loved it. When I needed to re-order, I tried the tablets because they were a bit less expensive--not worth it. It was a struggle to get Sam to eat them. I've gone back to the chewable and Sam loves it--and I love the quality. I see a noticable improvement in his range of motion during our walks. Yeah for Dasuquin MSM CHEWABLE!!!


Dasuquin MSM

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  • Price%20and%20Quality
  • No%20cons%20whatsoever
Vet recommended Dasuquin MSM for a puppy we adopted who will always have joint issues due to being run over by a car when he was 10 weeks old (prior to us adopting him). We will give this to him forever, along with one of our other dogs who seems to have semi-stiff joints. Our dogs LOVE taking it ... they think they are getting a treat. Our vet is extremely conservative with the pricing of their products, but VetDepot's price was even lower. Received product immediately.


Dasuquin MSM IS What My Pom/Poodle Needed

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My little guy's [6 lbs 7ounces] leg was twitching; he was not jumping up on the furniture as he usually did. I inquired around & found out about this product. I tried it & within seven plus days he was jumping around again; his leg still twitches but MUCH less. The product contains some of the same ingredients I take for my joint health. The quality of the soft chews and the active ingredients are worth the price; more importantly are the results your dog receives. My little guy will take Dasuquin MSM now for the rest of his life.

Dasuquin MSM Small/Medium Dog 84 chews

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<p>Great Product! My 3 legged mini Aussie loves his "nugget" every morning! He works extra hard getting around with just three legs and his back hips were bothering him and the vet recommended this product. We can really tell a difference.</p>


Dasuquin MSM Small/Medium Dog, 84 Soft Chews

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  • Price
  • %20effectiveness
  • short%20time%20left%20on%20expiration%20date
I have used these chews for my senior dogs for several years and am very confident these have greatly improved their mobility and comfort level. I've ordered at least 6 bags from this company and I'm pleased with the customer service.

Dasuquin MSM Small/Medium Dog, 84 Soft Chews

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My vet recommended Dasuquin for our two senior Cairn Terriers as a supplement to help with their aging joints. VetDepot's price is so much better than purchasing it at our vets and our dogs think they are getting a treat.

Dasuquin MSM Small/Medium Dog, 84 Soft Chews

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We give this to our 12 year old Sheltie with severe arthritis. This is the only chewable supplement he has ever gladly eaten. We have noticed some degree of improvement since he has been taking Dasuquin MSM. The others we tried - and we've tried them all - didn't seem to help. Also there has been no tummy upset as we experienced with some other products. We will give it to him for the rest of his life.

Washington, DC

Dasuquin MSM Small/Medium Dog, 84 Soft Chews

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I initially bought these from the vet on his recommendation. They definitely help my 8 year-old's hips. I'm not sure these chews have completely eliminated his pain, but there is a noticeable improvement. Plus he loves them. Every night he comes running to get his chewy. The price is great too. After paying $70 at the vet, I looked online and Vet Depot had the best price.

United States

Dasuquin MSM Small/Medium Soft Chews

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  • Price
  • flavor
I have a corgi mix that has problems with her left hip. She hated the Cosequin tablet chews. My vet advised she should try Dasuquin MSM, but stated they only came in tablet chews as well. I found these Dasuquin soft chews and my dog loves them. She thinks they are a treat! She has been on them for 3 months and she has not had an episode. Vetdepot has the best price too and they are delivered right to my door! Very happy with the product and service.

United States

Delicious treats with that extra punch (apparently)

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  • soft
  • %20easy%20to%20chew
  • %20delicious
My 40 lb. cockapoo is 15 years old and loves these soft chews. We first purchased them mainly for medicinal purposes and they fulfilled that purpose excellently, keeping her legs strong for a long time. Now, she eagerly waits for that special "treat" each evening. It is her favorite.


Good product

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  • Quality%20Product
This is what our doctor recommended for our dog.

Fairfax, Va

Good size for a trial

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My vet recommended this product for my 13 yr old mix breed dog as he was having difficulty getting up stairs. My dog is picky about snacks so I did not want to buy the large bag that the vet sold. My dog loves these like treats. He has been on them for 2 weeks now and slowly I am seeing some improvement. They are not really soft though and he has some trouble chewing through them.


Great Product!

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  • %20re%20sealable%20
  • none
Great product! My vet recommended this product and we switched our dog to it. She had been taking a different brand's similar product for the last few years. Before we were half way through a container of the Dasuquin we could already see a visible difference in her mobility, ease of movement and even in her fur. Our dog loves these, she thinks its a treat! Buying them here at VetDepot saves a lot of money - almost half of what the vet charges :)


he runs like the wind

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  • it%20works
  • price
My shih tsu puppy needed elbow surgery. He limped. While he was happy to play for limited periods of time - he was in pain even after the surgery. My vet recommended Dasaquin with MSM to help strengthen and build his bones. It was also recommended for his older sister as a preventative. They love it. The pup runs and jumps and plays non stop. His older sister keeps up without difficulty or pain. Love it!

Quality Supplement

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Finally, a product that has visible results. They are the ONLY glucosamine that have helped relieve my Shiba Inu's limp. Best of all? They are made in The US and not some toxic Chinese garbage with no regulation or oversight. PLEASE only give your pets products from US. Too many animals have died from poisoning and organ failure due to Chinese products.

Sandy from Arizona

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  • price
  • taste
My seven year old corgi mix has had issues with her left hip. My vet had advised me to start her on Dasaquin MSM. She had taken Cosequin, prior to this, but did not like the tablet chews. The vet told me the Dasuquin only came in the chewable tablet form. After researching on my own, I found VetDepot and found the Dasuquin soft chews. She loves them! She thinks they are a treat.She is on her third month and taking a chew every other day.She has not had an episode. I started my other dog on them as a prevention method. VetDepot had, by far, the best price!!!


Soft Chews

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My vet recommended this product. My dogs are old and do have joint problems. Ordering this product through VetDepot is a great deal cheaper than through the pharmacy of my vet. My wife gets her joint supplements through the same manufacturer as these soft chews- Nutramax. She says they help her joints.

Reviews 1-18 of 18

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