

Tape Worm Tabs Feline (Praziquantel) 23 mg, 3 Tablets

Tape Worm Tabs Feline (Praziquantel) 23 mg, 3 Tablets (1010783)

4.86 stars, based on 14 reviews
The active ingredient in Tape Worm Tabs Feline 23 mg, 3 Tablets is the cestocide Praziquantel. Tape Worm Tabs eliminate tapeworms in cats by removing the tapeworm's ability to resist digestion. This allows your cat's digestive system to partially...
Reviews 1-14 of 14
Atlanta, GA

Awesome Product that works!

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  • Product%20works%20fast%21
  • Low%20best%20prices%20compared%20to%20other%20sites%21
  • No%20complete%20directions%21
Was about to buy this from PetsMart or Petco for 25 dollars, until I did some research and came across this website. So, much cheaper, especially when I have 3 cats, plus two being outdoors! Product seemed to work quickly, but my only con was no directions! I wasn't sure how many of the pills I was supposed to give to my cat. One every day, once a week, or once a month? Did days, and days of research, looks like it's only once a month. And the one pill should be enough, and I could do another the next month just to be sure. But, other than that.. Product works great, and I highly recommend it! This website has everything you're looking for, for your pet! And you can't beat the prices compared to other sites I have looked at!

illegal to have more than 3 pets

excellent product

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My vet recommended I buy this product rather than have her dispense it since she knows I can't afford the vet prices. I have many cats and kittens - ferals. After buying from area animal health supplies locally, I found it less expensive and convenient to order from this site. It arrived in a few days. I will order from this site in the future.

I was told by my vet to use only this med for tape worms. None of my cats have had any adverse reaction.

Oakley CA

Good Product

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AND it works. Vet Depot is OK!

Great Product

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Reasonable price, fast shipping, and worked great.


Great Product

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Worked great in just one dose. Tapeworm was taken care of quickly, and also at a very good price!!!!!!

Fresno, CA

Great Tapeworm medication

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  • %22effective%22%20%22no%20side-effects%22%20
  • %22taste%22
When I got this, I had tried holistic methods without success. I had tried other tape worm products with my former kitty that gave her diarrhea, so when I got a new kitten after my senior kitty passed in 2011, I knew enough not to use the other de-worming products. This de-wormer was different from the beginning. While she was put off by the flavor and didn't eat much, what she did eat not only had 0 side-effects but took care of the tape worm efficiently. Definitely will be buying this product again.


Tape Worm Tabs

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This product arrived quickly, soon after I placed my order. I administered that tablets right away and I haven't seen any evidence of tapeworms since. My only con is that they are a little big when you have to give it to the animal, it can get tricky.

New Orleans,La.

Tape Worm Tabs

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Tape Worm Tabs do eliminate tapeworms. Since this is a tablet, I have to smash it in a powder, and mix a very small amount of cat food in a 2 oz cup. I then open his mouth and make sure he digest every itsy-bitsy amount. The less food you put, the less problems you will encountered.

Tape worm tabs

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This product works great. My cat had tape worm and no pet stores around me sold anything for tapeworm except for a pet store a half hour away but it was very pricey!

New Orleans, La.

Tape Worm tabs 23mg, 3 tablets (1010783)

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  • It%20works
  • More%20of%20how%20to%20give%20instruction
It works. Once every month for three months. I take the tablet and with a

2oz cup put a few drops of water in it and wetting the tab very little, place it in

his or her mouth deeply. I find this is the best method and keep the mouth

closed so she can swallow it.

Tape Worm Tabs Feline (Praziquantel) 23 mg, 3 Tablets

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I received the item very quickly! The product was exactly what I ask for!! Will buy from again!

Tape Worm Tabs Feline (Praziquantel) 23 mg, 3 Tablets

review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
Wonderful product, excellent price, and it shipped really fast!

Reno, NV

Tape Worm Tabs for Felines

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It's about time these were made available over the counter... I know when my cat gets worms and it's a total pain (and expense) to take him in to the vet to get him checked out for something I already know he needs. Was so happy to discover VetDepot! These people were very easy to deal with and I'm am 100% satisfied with the prescription I ordered for my now worm-free cat. Would most definitely order through this website again.

Works great, fast shipping

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The product worked quickly and was a great price. Vet Depot was easy to order from and was super fast shipping it out.

Reviews 1-14 of 14

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