Worked better than two other medication my vet tried first. My dog has all sorts of skin problems and when he scratches he causes infections.
My French Bulldog has many allergies and gets bumps with scabs all over his body. Simplicef has cleared up this problem. I give him allergy shots twice a week and Simplecef daily and he looks great. This is really good stuff.
Our Golden Retriever "Nick" had an on-going, difficult to keep under control skin condition. We tried several methods over the last 3 years, and nothing kept him free from bacterial skin outbreaks for more than a few weeks. Our vet finally decided he needed to go on a maintenance schedule with an antibiotic. He assured us the Simplicef was safe for this approach. We were committed to getting Nick's skin condition resolved, so the cost would just have to be part of his upkeep. To our great relief we found VETDEPOT sold this medication at a much better price than what our Vet and many other online pet rx stores charged. Nick is, and has been free of the oozing sores for the last 4 months since starting this medication. We are grateful that this skin issue is now under control.
I was obtaining Simplicef 100 mg from our dog's veterinary clinic. The Vet determined a longer course was warranted and recommended we find a provider of quantity at a better price than theirs. VetDepot has the combination of easy-to-use, clear and professional staff to help, and among the lowest price. We've been using the Simplicef and the condition has shown clear improvement.
Allergy test & allergy shots for a year- did not work. Steroid shots- worked a little for a couple of weeks. Special shampoos- did not work. Highest quality non-allergenic foods- did not work. Benadryl, Zyrtec, Chlortabs- did not work. My three year old american bulldog has been suffering with allergies on the tops of his arms and paws for 2 years now. He chews and licks incessantly. Huge knots and on each arm, bumps all over his body- including the small red ones all over his chest, tummy, and inside of his legs. I have been through the ringer with him! NOTHING has worked! It's been one let down after another. My vet prescribed this stuff and after just 4 days into the treatment, he was so much better! We are on day 9 and all his bumps are gone! His arms are reducing in swelling size each day! I can't wait until his three week treatment is done! Pricey stuff but WORTH EVERY PENNY!