

Glyco-Flex III for Dogs, 120 Soft Chews

Glyco-Flex III Bite-Sized Chews, 120 Soft Chews (1016327)

4.96 stars, based on 24 reviews
Support joint comfort and flexibility with Glyco-Flex III Glyco-Flex III Bite-Sized Chews, 120 Soft Chews is a potent joint supplement and represents Stage III in Vetri-Science's joint support program for dogs. This supplement is recommended for...
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Reviews 1-20 of 24

A Sure Winner

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Our Labrador Retriever is now 12 and he has slowed down a lot and has stiffness in his back legs....there has been a noticeable difference in the past year on Glyco-Flex...it has worked far better for him than Cosaquin and he is out running again.


Corgi Loves Them

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Great supplements!

When I up my corgi to 2 at each meal you see a huge improvement.

He had one knee surgery so I am very watchful of his movement.


Easy & Yummy!

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My 11 year old Golden & 9 year old Sheltie love these chews. It makes it easy & non-messy to give them the joint support they both need. I have been using the chews for several years now but recently started buying from VetDepot and I am now enjoying the $ savings. VetDepot is quick with delivery also.

Glyco-Flex III Bite-Sized Chews

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My dog has had 2 ACL repairs and the vet recommended we give him these chews to help his joints. My other dog loves them too. They line up every morning to receive their "medicine".

Clinton, Arkansas

Glyco-Flex III Bite-sized Chews

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My dog Garvin is nine years old and has been taking this product for many years at the advice of the Vets who did his hip surgery and are following him now for his knee problems. Glyco-Flex is part of his daily meal as it is better assimilated with less gastrointestinal upset when given with food. Cost is an issue for me as Garvin has several medications, so I found the pricing was excellent. I have just started purchasing products from VetDepot and I had a very good experience. I was especially surprised to receive a handy water bottle for Garvin as a gift from the company with a sweet little personal 'thank you' note.

New Orleans

Glyco-Flex III Bite-Sized Chews, 120 Soft Chews

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  • Tasty
  • Moist
  • None
My dogs love the taste of this chew. I have only gotten about half way thru the first bag, so I really cant say if it has made a difference yet or not, but I have found that the moist chews seem to work better.

murrieta. ca

Glyco-Flex III Bite-Sized Chews, 120 Soft Chews

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My dog has been on these for over 5 yrs. She is an english bulldog and had problems with her back legs and knee. Three months after taking the Glyco-Flex III soft chews she is running, playing ball and having a normal life. Thanks Glycoflex.


Glyco-Flex III Bite-Sized Chews, 120 Soft Chews

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Great product for my dog's joints!

VetDepot has outstanding prices and shipping

Glyco-Flex III for Dogs

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I put my dog on the Glyco-Flex III because she was having trouble/pain in her hips. She loves them. I also use them as a bribe for her to take her other medicines.

Glyco-Flex III for Dogs, 120 Soft Chews

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My vet recommended this product for my dog. She loves them. She seems to have less problems with her hips since she has been eating them.


Glycoflex III Review

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  • quick%20delivery
I've been giving my dogs Glycoflex III Chews for several years. I was happy with the service from VetDepot. The chews arrived in a timely manner.

Good Product

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My dog eats it without having to disguise it so she thinks of it as a treat. This is great! She's on several other meds and supplements like Omega-3 fish oil, Duralactin and Novox (Rimadyl). I hope the soft chews are working. I'm not sure but it doesn't hurt. The price is pretty good. I haven't seen it cheaper online. At .24 each, it's not cheap but, the concentrations in this formula are high so, I feel it's worth it.

Fort Wayne, IN

Good Stuff Maynard!

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Our 15-year-old black lab mix chews these up like they were treats. They help keep her spunky & moving about.


Great Product

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  • price
  • %20quality
  • %20easy%20of%20application
We have a 14 year old dog that has arthritis really bad in his back legs. He no longer will take pills of any kind (very stubborn). In the past, pills were not a problem because he took them without any problem. We asked the vet for a recommendation and he suggested Glyco-Flex III Bite size chews. Walker (my dog) loves them and takes them without any problems. He is getting around much better now.


Great Product

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I have an 8 year old dog with a very painful right-rear leg. I have had him on the Glyco-Flex III for the two years that I have had him. Money was a little short, so I didn't order a refill right away this last time I needed it, and I noticed a marked difference in him within a couple of weeks. Will not let him run out again!

Buffalo, New York

Great Product

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We have a nine year old Golden who was starting to feel his age last year. He's been taking Gylco-Flex for a year now and when it comes to water or snow - he's a puppy again! Let's him have his fun and he doesn't appear to be in any pain the following day and looks forward until he can get back outside and make more dog angels in the snow or rescue more toys from the pool.

He loves the taste and will get up from his bed to find his treat hidden in his food.


Great Product

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<p>We have used this product for many years. Our lab was diagnosed with hip dysplasia at 9 months, and it was recommended that we start a joint supplement. She is now 10 and continues to use this product, and along with weight control she has never had major issues with her hips. We started with Gylco Flex I and progressed to III. The tabs are much easier than the powder. We never had issues with our lab eating the tab, but of course she is a lab ??. I definitely recommend this product.</p>

Eau Claire,WI.

Great Results

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  • Beat%20our%20Vets%20price%20by%20%2450.00
Having had knee surgery 4 years ago our 11 year old red Doberman was starting to have trouble getting up and down. Since taking Glyco-Flex III, I've seen a big difference where she is doing things she did years ago without the pain . Will keep her on his forever. Great product...


Great smell and taste!

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Our nine year old Sheltie loves these bite size chews. She had been getting bored with her food so I've been breaking this chew up and mixing it up in her food. She now loves her dinner and is walking up and down the stairs with ease. We've really noticed a difference.

I swear by this product

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  • esae%20of%20use
  • %20good%20taste
  • can%27t%20get%20locally%20for%20this%20price
MY 16 1/2 year old goes through 2 bags a month of these...sounds excessive, but there's just no comparison with any other product out there.

I had one German Shorthair Pointer live to over 17, 10 years on Glycoflex, tried other products over the years and went back to this as the only thing that really shows a difference in her stiffness level. I used to buy from a different source, but when they went up to $45 a bag, I knew it was time to start looking, now I get 3 bags a month for the same price as the K>>>>> place was charging me! Thanks Vet Depot!I don't need to disquise the taste, all 3 dogs love them, I have to HIDE the bag!!

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